Hi, I’m Krish Matta.

About Me


I’m an undergraduate student majoring in computer science and minoring in mathematical sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. I have previously worked for or collaborated with:


Academically, I’m interested in computer science and mathematics, with a particular interest in artificial intelligence safety. Casually, I enjoy nature and reading.

About the Site

This website is a collection of interconnected thoughts and ideas that evolve over time. Notes are continuously refined and updated, creating a web of knowledge rather than a chronological stream of posts.

My writing is organized into two main sections:

  • Main contains my original thoughts, such as book reviews and independent research.
  • Reference contains my notes on the works of others, such as lecture notes and research paper summaries.

Navigating the above may be daunting. Thus, I recommend first viewing my work through the Highlights as an entry point. It consists of work that I feel is particularly accessible, and is more akin to an article list on a traditional blog you may be more familiar with.

Other Sites

You can find me elsewhere on the internet at:


If you’d like to get in touch, you may contact me via email at self@krishmatta.net.


I’d like to extend my gratitude to Jacky Zhao for developing Quartz, the platform on which this site is built.